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      September 20, 2014The Sacred LanePasquale Verdicchio

      for Antonio Porta

      We felt it
      the sisma
      poetic temblor
      that radiated from the capital
      of capitals of church and state
      and wrapped the body of
      that man lost among angels
      for what did he know of lanes
      and what did he think of percourses
      only that it was a freeway
      like no other and it led
      from one end of a dream
      to the other of a nightmare
      it was his notebook
      to carry across the notions
      the smuggled thoughts about it
      america this america that america
      but an america that was only
      what we wanted to find
      and so from fast food
      to slow drivers it opened the door
      to nothing more than a view
      our own window and we drank
      and ate with them
      those who had not come
      but were just there
      unlike us who had flown driven
      hundreds thousands of miles
      across continents and countries
      rivers and oceans
      states and cities and county lines
      because that is part of it
      the county line crossing it
      not knowing on the other side
      the welcome the distance between
      and so we continued to the cities
      all names but initials
      hell, hey! as they say and frisco
      which they don’t say
      on a cold day is not California
      but it still holds the foreigner
      in the gold of that orange bridge
      the size beyond the bridge of the county
      and Marin becomes something altogether
      different but it is the place of the dream
      and it must be noted
      recorded and seen
      a photograph does not quite capture it
      and so all of it is done and then reported
      back by phone across thousands of miles
      in late night calls that defy deny and construct
      and that’s the book
      that’s the poem
      and that’s what we remember
      for it is not a travel diary
      it is a travel life
      a nomadism put on paper
      a nomadism with stakes
      to keep it from walking off
      out of one’s memory
      out of one’s reach
      and back into the place from where
      it did not come

      from #20 - Winter 2003