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      November 17, 2009These Wild TurkeysTim Poland

      For my own part I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen
      the Representative of our Country. He is a Bird of bad moral
      Character. He does not get his Living honestly… For the Truth
      the Turkey is in Comparison a much more respectable Bird,
      and withal a true original Native of America… His is besides,
      though a little vain & silly, a Bird of Courage, and would not
      hesitate to attack…
      —Benjamin Franklin, 1784

      we’ve taken to feeding these wild turkeys
      and they hate us for it, hold us in contempt,
      lured from the burden of forage,
      baited into ease and dependence,
      it’s our fault and they know it, so they
      turn on us, demand we continue what we’ve
      started now that the damage is done, their
      wildness revised to fistfuls of grain on the ground


      a hen wanders in from another flock
      on the far side of the ridge, saunters in
      from the wild to peck the easy corn
      with her angry and sated cousins,
      the ancient grain a new delight to her,
      until a delegation of other hens arrives from
      over the ridge, cuts her from this indolent flock,
      and nudges her back to the wild fold


      see the tom by the fallen poplar, wing feathers
      chestnut and buff, eyes like polished pebbles,
      he does not condescend to display for us,
      we do not merit his vanity,
      no threat to him, we are pathetic and
      worthy of no more than his disdain,
      servants to be pecked and prodded if
      we are too slow to deliver up the corn

      from #27 - Summer 2007