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      October 13, 2019Third Time’s a CharmDavid Kirby

      Don’t you wish the president would just shut up?
      I mean, why comment on everything all the time.
      Let’s hear it for silence. Yes, the helicopter of the world
      is always circling overhead, but only rarely and usually
      never does it suddenly fix its spotlight on the genius
      that is you. What does he expect, a chattering dolphin
      to rear up in front of his every tweet/answer to
      a journalist/remark to a staffer who’s not supposed
      to leak it but does and go chee-chee-chee-chee?
      Mozart ends The Magic Flute with the words
      “Triumphant strength has rewarded beauty and wisdom
      with an eternal crown,” but he was Mozart.
      Even ordinary jibber-jabber can go too far, as when
      you give someone a present and they say
      “You didn’t have to do that” and you think, “I know
      I didn’t have to, but I wanted to, though I’m having
      second thoughts now,” or someone brings a casserole
      to your potluck, and you say, “Oh, how lovely,”
      and they say, “Yeah, but it’s way salty, plus I left it
      in the oven too long,” and you think, “My, doesn’t
      that sound delicious!” Actually it was Mozart’s
      librettist Emanuel Schikaneder who wrote the end
      of The Magic Flute as well as the rest of it, but still.
      Doesn’t the president have speech writers?
      The divorce firm of Thyden Gross and Callahan
      works out of Friendship Village, Maryland (I’m not
      making this up) and recently represented a wealthy
      Islamic gentleman who invoked the ancient law
      of talaq by saying “I divorce thee” three times
      to his wife and bestowing the sum of $2,500
      on her while retaining the bulk of their two million
      dollar estate for himself. The Maryland Court
      of Appeals said no, however, stipulating that
      the talaq did not afford the same protections
      of due process, prenuptial agreements,
      and division of property that Maryland law did,
      a ruling in which the court is joined by
      those Islamic scholars who say it isn’t right to
      invoke the talaq in one sitting and that there
      should at least be a period of time between
      the “three strikes” as well as other learned
      devotees of that venerable faith who say
      the talaq is reprehensible and shouldn’t be
      used at all. Every time the president goes
      yada-yada-yada, I wish Mitch McConnell would say,
      “I impeach thee, I impeach thee, I impeach thee”
      and he’d disappear like the witch in The Wizard
      of Oz, and here I’m just referring to the president’s
      banal and mendacious utterances and not
      the ugly ones like grabbing somebody by their
      you-know-what. In this respect he could at least
      take lessons in subtlety from 18th century German
      writer Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, who said
      of the prostitutes he encountered in London
      that “they attach themselves to you like limpets”
      and “they seize hold of you after a fashion
      of which I can give you the best notion by the fact
      that I say nothing about it.” Now you’re talking.

      from Poets Respond

      David Kirby

      “I have misgivings about the current move to impeach. That process is usually used to convince the people that the president is a bad person, but we already know that. Too, I bet this president would be delighted; it’ll just give him another chance to feel sorry for himself. No, I’d prefer that he just go away. That’s called magical thinking, as is this poem’s call for Mitch McConnell to do the deed.”