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      August 19, 2018Till She Appeared and the Soul Felt its WorthCraig van Rooyen

      If I could, I’d stop loving
      this promiscuous world.
      It should be easy to loathe
      the trashy lush with her
      plastic oceans and brimstone eyes
      reminding me I slept with her
      one too many times. But I can’t.
      I know the sky burns over concrete
      rivers, but Aretha died today
      and she won’t let me go. She’s
      demanding my respect, commanding
      me to come back to her, take her to heart.
      She’s on every channel, smashing
      FOX into CNN, making alphabet soup
      from our bitterness. She’s shrugging
      a mink stole off her shoulder,
      calling down judgment, then
      singing us back together
      one bent grace note at a time.
      For in her chest dwelt
      the voice of the Almighty.
      For in her throat thunder came
      to lie down with laughter. For
      her tongue gave shape to the song
      of a child born to an unwed girl,
      and the blues dwelt among us.
      By the rivers of Babylon we sat down
      and wept, yet in the Voice
      we took refuge. Look to my right
      and see trash cans pulled curbside
      for pickup. Look to my left and see
      the neighbor’s dead lawn.
      But look here between my feet,
      a dandelion’s perfect afro, pushed up
      through buckled concrete. Then I know
      it’s true. This world never loved a man
      the way she loves me.

      from Poets Respond

      Craig van Rooyen

      “Since Aretha Franklin’s death on Wednesday, I’ve been watching the news cycle’s struggle to express what this woman meant to the country. Then a line from an old hymn came back to me. The title is adapted from a line in ‘O Holy Night,’ composed by Adolphe Adam and translated into English by John Sullivan Dwight, and the line ‘by the rivers of Babylon we sat down and wept …’ is from Psalm 137:1.”
