May 16, 2018To Thousand Island
The only time I tasted you
was in a fast food restaurant
on an elementary school field trip.
I heard myself saying your name, only because
the girl in front of me had asked for you. Her name was Amy.
Amy was confident and popular, and she knew about things
like salad dressing. I had never eaten a salad in my life.
Our house always smelled of Indian curries. I didn’t know
the names of different dressings, even that there were
different dressings, or even that there were such things
as dressings. I was maybe eight, it was maybe grade three,
and we were all on a field trip and had brought money for lunch.
I don’t remember where we were going, but I remember Amy’s voice.
I listened carefully so I’d know just what to order. When you arrived,
orange and tangy, I didn’t like you at all, but I was happy.
Perhaps I could find my way in this world after all.
from #59 - Spring 2018