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      April 12, 2021Tourette’s SonnetsStephen Allen

      My right hand shakes. What should I tell the children
      I teach? This could be a very cruel lesson:
      your body betrays you. I could skip medication,
      but then the tics return, a different problem.
      Long ago, before the current pills,
      I slipped and told a class, “My brain is fucked.”
      I couldn’t recover. Dispense with all the frills
      and tell them, “It’s something medical.” I duck
      the question again. No, I am not sick,
      at least in ways they really understand:
      not virus, not germ, not prion. Accept the tics
      for what they are and give them pause. What can
      I still explain? I want them innocent.
      Put off for now the spiritual descent.

      from #71 - Spring 2021

      Stephen Allen

      “Would I still be a poet if I did not have Tourette’s Syndrome? Probably, but I would be writing very different poems. I find the constraints of form useful to keep my tics in check, but I still jump around within the sonnets and terza rima and all. It’s a sort of balance, which I find difficult to achieve in life without medication.”