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      November 1, 2021Pankaj KhemkaTraffic Stop

      The officer asked, Do you know why 
      I pulled you over? So I tried to explain about the correlation
      between an unhappy childhood and the need
      to pull, about how Elon Musk invented Teslas
      because we’re all characters
      in Grand Theft Auto, about needing to outrun
      my future, but he wanted to see my license and registration
      so I pointed at his chest with my gold finger (in the shape of a gun)
      showed him the Valentine’s cards stuffed in my glovebox
      handed him a snapshot of my border collie at the beach
      because a badge needs a quota like a chew toy
      needs a puppy, but he asked me to step
      out of the car, put the world in a backwards spell,
      touch my eyes with my nose
      closed, so I put on my blue
      shoes, walked heel to toe,
      cartwheeled for the crowd, asked
      if he could share his body-
      cam video on my wall, which is to say I promised
      to donate a kidney for the Policeman’s Ball, which is to say I signed
      his autograph book
      and as he rolled away, the radio played,
      there will be an answer, let it be, let it be.

      from #73 – Fall 2021

      Pankaj Khemka

      “I was originally born in Nagpur. After my family emigrated to the United States, I became a physician, specializing in infectious diseases. My cultural influences, both Eastern and Western, color my poetry in the way I see first-world problems from a more holistic perspective.”