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      January 29, 2011U.S. Unemployed Jumps to 12.5 MillionAbigail Templeton

      Colocamos em caixas
      Convertidos en cajas
      We have become boxes



      empilhadas uma a outra
      una encima de otra
      stacked on top of each other



      esperando serem abertas.
      esperando que nos abran.
      waiting to be opened.



      Nos preguntamos se o Free
      Preguntamos si el Free
      We ask if the Free



      Grand slam inclui
      Grand Slam incluye
      Grand Slam includes



      suco. Despertamos durante a noite
      jugo. Despertamos en la noche
      juice. We awake in the night



      adicionando e subtraindo
      sumando y restando
      adding and subtracting



      os cabelos nas nossas cabeças.
      los pelos de nuestras cabezas.
      the hairs on our heads.



      Somos cardacos
      Somos cordones
      We are shoelaces



      amarrado duas vezes,
      atados dos veces,
      double knotted,



      esperando não quebrar.
      esperando que no nos rompamos.
      hoping not to break.

      from #33 - Summer 2010

      Abigail Templeton

      “I come from a family of storytellers. Sitting around the dinner table my sister and I used to beg our dad to tell us about his childhood. Our favorite story was the one about the time he wore a snorkel mask in the bathtub to avoid having to go to baseball practice. My own writing can also be summarized in a story; a friend’s mom once analyzed my handwriting. Among other traits she said I was a very talented liar. I think that is where my ability to write comes from. In my poems I like to stretch and twist reality, searching for a deeper pattern of human behavior, some sort of pulse that we can all relate to.”