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      September 7, 2021Wave ManMeredith Mason

      The bill sailed through the Senate and House… effectively banning most abortions in the state.
      —Austin American-Statesman, May 19, 2021

      Today I held my son’s hand as we waded into the lake,
      strong wind kicking up waves on the shallow water.
      “I’m Wave Man,” he said, karate-chopping the swell,
      as the foam hit his face and made him sputter,
      and I tugged him up so he wouldn’t go under.
      Farther out, my talented cousin
      was doing something called kite-boarding—
      back and forth he traced graceful arcs
      across the surface, while high above,
      a taut red sail held the wind and pulled him on.
      Some say care comes easy to a mother—
      go ahead and take it like air.
      Tonight, I smoked one cigarette
      on the porch of the place I’m house-sitting,
      inhaling once like my lungs
      are my lungs.

      from Poets Respond

      Meredith Mason

      “I started writing this poem in May, when Texas passed its near-total ban on abortion, and I finished it this week, as those laws are taking effect.”