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      October 9, 2015What Can You Do?Charles Bukowski

      there is always somebody to chop the wood
      for you, to speak of the ways of God,
      there is always somebody to kill the meat,
      to unplug the toilet,
      there is always somebody to bury you,
      there are always the animals with the
      beautiful eyes,
      and there are always the gossips,
      like Stanley leaning toward me
      and saying in a soft voice,
      “do you know that at the end of
      his career Saroyan had other
      people writing his stuff and that he
      gave them twenty-five
      this was supposed to make me
      feel good because I was a starving
      writer and the rejects were arriving
      in endless numbers.
      it didn’t make me feel
      there is always somebody to make
      you feel worse about the
      human race.
      there is always the dead dog on
      the freeway.
      there is always a fog full of
      there is always Christ drunk in
      the tavern with dirty

      from Issue #7 - Summer 1997