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      August 9, 2020Devon BalwitWhat Is Marriage Like?

      What is marriage like?
      my children ask, and I think
      of the anglerfish, deep
      in inky ocean, the female
      groping her way with a torch
      grown from her own body,
      an iridescent lure for prey,
      the male searching, searching, searching
      perhaps his whole life long
      without finding her, but if he does,
      biting deep into her back or belly
      and fusing until his organs
      fade away, until he becomes little
      more than a bulbous pair of testes
      fringed with gills, protruding sack-like
      as she plies her lantern.
      [Therefore, shall he cleave
      unto his partner, and the two
      shall be one flesh] no immune response
      one to the other, all that she has his
      and vice versa until death.
      Such teeth, my children,
      you have never seen
                    such teeth.
      Join us this morning for Poets Respond Live! Click here to watch …

      from Poets Respond

      Devon Balwit

      “Ask me the same question on a different day, and I’d give a different answer.”