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      January 9, 2012What Need or DutySusan L. Helwig

      What need or duty makes me
      leave our warm bed with you
      put on cold 4 a.m. clothes
      heat coffee, fill the flask
      don more clothes
      boots, mitts, muffler, toque
      scarcely feel a farewell embrace
      stand and watch, shovel ready
      as you smash down the lane
      catching in drift after drift
      backing up and trying again
      backing up and trying again
      finally clearing the last windrow
      turning onto the main road
      What makes me cry
      offer my thanks
      look up to the heavens
      and there are all the stars.

      from #35 - Summer 2011

      Susan L. Helwig

      “To paraphrase Samuel Taylor Coleridge, I try to fashion poetry like snow—the softer it falls, the deeper it sinks into the mind.”