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      July 31, 2022What Will Be LeftDeron Eckert

      What will be left
      of this drowned town
      when the rain stops
      and the river lies low?
      Before the storms,
      we wanted more,
      but now, we would settle
      for what we had.
      It was enough
      that yesterday,
      we were wrong to think
      there was nothing
      left to lose.
      What will be left
      of this drowned town
      when the land that slid
      is pushed away?
      Within the mounds
      of clay and broken trees
      is what they call debris,
      but that is you and me.
      Let there be enough
      that tomorrow,
      we may be wrong to think
      there is nothing
      left to lose.
      What will be left
      of this drowned town
      when those we loved
      are found?
      The silence may worry,
      but when it breaks,
      the word may come.
      Please, let there be enough
      that today,
      we are wrong to think
      there is nothing
      left to lose.

      from Poets Respond

      Deron Eckert

      “‘What Will Be Left’ is in response to today’s historic flooding in eastern Kentucky, an area that has already lost so much, but as the storms have shown, still has much left to lose. There is no way to know this early how many people, homes, and businesses have been lost.”