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      April 7, 2024Ryan McCartyWhat Will We See When the Lights Go Out?

      My neighbor, near me on the bus, moves his lips
      while looking at his phone. They’re like two
      little birds whispering to that tiny sunrise he holds.
      He will finish, snap out, look up, and laugh with me
      at the empty roads, I know it, because we’re speeding
      reckless in the wide open streets. The whole
      world flew south to find a place to watch
      one unimaginably distant body come
      between us and another even more
      distant body. If we believe the old stories,
      they’re men and women, our mother
      dancing, shielding us, hiding our father’s glare.
      If we believe the new stories, roads will turn
      to parking lots and children will forget
      the names of their families, wandering lost
      in a sea of empty gas stations and dehydration.
      If we believe only the story that something
      inevitable is happening, we will marvel
      at the precision, at our predictive powers,
      at the blurred lines between chirping crickets
      and the notifications ringing in our pants.
      Or, instead, on the roads, in our yards, high
      behind windows built for silence, ludicrous
      in our magical glasses, could we just lose
      the tale? Know what the end might look like?
      In the momentary darkness, fumbling
      for our offerings to coax the daytime back—
      our multitools and battery-powered radios,
      our spare cash and backup maps, will we breathe
      in that chill air, when everything purples,
      when the birds change key, when millions
      of us look, not to the sky but left and right, and see
      each other, gone out of our way to stand,
      together, where the light disappears.

      from Poets Respond

      Ryan McCarty

      “I’ve been so struck by all the people I hear talking about their plans to watch the solar eclipse. Everyone is traveling, planning, convening. Thirty-one million people are supposed to be traveling to get somewhere within range. I love cosmic phenomena, but I love the way people obsess about them even more. I find myself wondering exactly what they hope to see—what they imagine—and if there’s any chance that one of these hyped-up celestial flickers might just one day change everything while we’re all standing around staring, together. Add in the almost apocalyptic warnings that accompany these kinds of events – communications breakdowns, gas shortages, traffic pileups, snack shortages—and I can’t stop imagining. That’s where this poem started.”