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      August 13, 2016Harsha PattnaikWhen the Humans Walked the Earth

      we wrapped ourselves in blankets of lost warmth, homes
      that were never our own, we filled our lungs
      with someone else’s share, we stole
      our stomach’s satisfaction
      we heard the cries of an empty crib, the
      green shade of a mother’s love left forlorn-
      midst the forests, yet we held
      the child with cold indifference, while
      the salty waves shrivelled our hearts
      someday it won’t be enough to pulse our borrowed blood
      we breathed out carbon clouds, then
      swathed ourselves with it, the splatters of
      its effluence crept into our nostrils, the heat ensnared by it
      lapped at our skin, singed our fabricated flesh;
      emblazoned it with our disappearing shores
      melting snow rose to our necks, our eyes were fixed at towering, blinking glass cases
      we clawed at our mother’s womb, tore
      her lush robes to pieces, crushed her frail, cradling lap
      we sucked her arteries dry, we poisoned her veins with our venom
      we forgot we thrived on her milk, we forgot we were kneaded out of her flesh
      we never listened to what we didn’t understand
      little heartbeats couldn’t reach our ears, we trampled
      on our dwindling souls and let our fangs pierce ourselves
      we stood alone in glory, distant cries
      of an unborn child; the edge of the cliff
      nothing more to achieve, we were the finest of them all
      light burns the brightest before it dies
      and these shadows are our only remains

      from 2016 RYPA

      Harsha Pattnaik (age 15)

      Why do you like to write poetry?

      “English is not my native language, but I find it much closer to my heart. Mankind has not come up with ways to describe every little thing, I feel, but poetry comes quite close. There are certain things in the world and perhaps beyond it that cannot be expressed in anything less than poetry. I simply write poetry because when I’m bubbling with feelings that I cannot express, poetry provides me with a channel to break my dams and let my words flow in a beautiful catastrophe.”