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      October 28, 2017Anna VitaleWhen You Told Me You Were an Alcoholic

      I am your mother
      I am the devil
      I am suicide with an empty chamber
      I am a drug addict
      I am God
      I am your shadow with my tongue screwed into your forehead
      I am your mother and you will do everything I say
      I am a speed freak
      I am the devil and I will kill you
      I am God and you are dead
      I am melting ice cream
      I am heroin
      I am dry lips
      I am a 17 year old boy that smells bad
      I am a stuffed bear with one ear
      I am decaf
      I am the devil
      I am a plant in winter
      I am a 13 year old runaway with dirty underwear and fingernails
      I am deception
      I am 13200 volts of a Danger sign
      I am a bottle of warm Corona
      I am the devil
      I am a chunk of skin you tore off shaving
      I am Five O’ Clock Gin that you chug for breakfast
      I am you with breasts
      I am abortions
      I am an old lamp in Miriam’s Antique Shop
      I am 8 fat women with cotton candy
      I am the devil

      from Issue #9 - Summer 1998

      Anna Vitale (grade 11)