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      September 8, 2020Robyn SchelenzWho Owns America?

      who owns america who could possibly own america
      there are people who have never seen 50 states or even seven
      can you own something you’ve never seen could they possibly own america
      the people who see america in planes may think they own america
      but the fields are the way they are because of the tractors next to the houses of the people in america
      the roads next to the fields are used by other people who may own america
      and who scoff at the plane as it goes by when they see it far, far above
      but they are distracted does a distracted person own america
      there is a man outside his house sitting on his heels smoking
      far away from america maybe he owns america
      he is thinking about it right now so much more than you have ever thought about it
      so much wondering what the weather is like, what the trees are like,
      what the fruit feels like
      do they have my brand of cigarettes
      he gets up thinking about america not worried about his investment
      genuinely curious about america america is not used to being thought of that way
      she shivers
      there is a man named Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca
      in 1530 he walked across america
      but even he didn’t think he owned america
      it seems only the people who don’t spend much time in america
      think they own america
      they don’t get out much
      they don’t ask anyone else
      hey am i stepping on your america
      which is how you would act
      if you were from the suburbs and owned something
      there hasn’t been much argument over some parts of america
      they seem to be unwanted no one wants that america
      but if you own america you too own america
      you can’t only own a part or some of america
      you have to own the whole america
      it is like a common-law marriage
      without the ceremony
      i wish i could tell you more about who owns america
      they are having a hard time finding the records
      there is a lot of meaningless paperwork here
      but outside the geese are flying
      pull up a chair if you want
      to observe them while you wait

      from Poets Respond

      Robyn Schelenz

      “Stolen land. Stolen labor. Stolen cultures, appropriated or erased, or lost … In fact, our country’s name isn’t even properly ‘America.’ Post-convention blues, this is my reaction to the idea of people arguing about who owns America, as though such a thing could be owned. ‘America’ is an idea we all shape, inside and outside of our borders, through generations, moving through time and holding the potential for change. If any of us did own America, I would hope we would treat it with more love and compassion. All of it is ours to regard as clearly as we can. Anyone can pull up a chair, because you own your seat in America, and connect, as other creatures do, with America … whatever it is.”