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      September 22, 2009Why Women’s Knees are So PrettyNick Carbo

      In the old days the Blaans believed
      that a man could not be told apart
      from a woman. The word for man

      and woman was not yet known
      and there was no father or mother
      either, there was just one parent.

      Each individual had a penis
      and a vagina and these were placed
      on each knee. The God Tasu Weh

      was the inventor of this being
      and he was very proud of his design.
      One day the God Fiu Weh saw

      that the individuals stopped working
      in the fields, stopped cooking
      for supper, stopped caring

      for the chickens and the pigs.
      Fiu Weh noticed that all of them
      were too busy having sexual

      intercourse with themselves.
      They were so enthralled and throbbing
      that they could hardly walk or run

      away from a python about to devour
      their legs. Fiu Weh went to Tasu Weh
      and told him that an individual

      should have one penis and another
      just a vagina. Tasu Weh was
      stubborn and said, “If that’s the kind

      of people you want to make,
      go ahead, I’ll keep mine.”
      These days when you see

      a man slipping his penis
      between a woman’s legs
      she tries to bring

      her knees together behind
      the man’s back because she is
      trying to double her pleasure.

      from #24 - Winter 2005