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      July 24, 2009Mikhail HorowitzWild Bill Hacker

                          A Cyberwestern Ballad

      Back when the Info Highway was still a dusty trail
      Before the cyberstage come through to speed a man’s e-mail
      When renegades like Sitting Mouse would skin the hides off hackers
      There was a fella ruled the roost of databank bushwhackers

      For Wild Bill the big big thrill was access, total access
      He’d broken into databanks from Timbuktu to Texas
      He’d back-doored into NASA, Bell, and Pentagon computers
      Planting half-breeded viruses to foil pursuing shooters

      He’d roll a cybercigarette and offer you a toke
      And then delete your mama with a single keyboard stroke
      Why in the selfsame breath it took to log on, HOWDY PARD
      He’d have the Pope’s unlisted phone and Brando’s Mastercard

      They chased him through the Wild Web, those bounty-hunting hordes
      They posted wanted posters on a thousand bulletin boards
      They combed the random canyons, through gorge and gulch and gurge
      But Wild Bill would slip away as quick as a power surge

      Now Tombscreen, Arizona, was a tiny one-byte town
      The Sloppy Disk Saloon was dark, the DOS Hotel shut down
      They had a virtual cathouse, a microsoftcore dive
      And Norton Utilities General Store, established ’95

      The town attracted drifters, retired keystroke hands
      And those who came to disappear in Hole-in-the-Net badlands
      Scroll around you, stranger: as far as the eye can see
      Buttes of burnt-out terminals, and a lone directory tree

      Somewhere in that wasteland, that shadow memory ruin
      Where incompatible coyotes howl at a phosphor moon
      Up the eroded modem and down the cordless rill
      Some kid named Gene of oh, 13, had backtracked Wild Bill

      The setting sun was saving all its files in the west
      The stars in heaven’s disk were being brightly decompressed
      An unsuspecting Wild Bill was booting his machine
      When an ominous message—SNORT MY SHORTS—abruptly scorched
      the screen

      I’ll flame your name in cyberhell, the desperado cried
      Reaching for the hardware that he carried at his side
      Tain’t no way, the weenie scoffed, I’ve sown a jillion glitches
      To ride your hapless hacker’s ass like cybersonsabitches

      As if on cue Bill’s modem up and blew its brains apart
      His VCR began to char his phone began to fart
      His fax was going wacky and his teeth, you understand
      Were picking up transmissions from the local CB band

      Concurrently and violently his laptop blew its top
      His microwave exploded and his beeper wouldn’t stop
      His Grateful Dead on CD-ROM was programmed to erase
      With Yoko Ono’s Greatest Hits imported in its place

      Well that was it for Wild Bill; there ain’t much more to tattle
      They cheered at his comeuppance in the cafes of Seattle
      They knew, from overkill-dot-com to Blogger County Jail
      That Wild Bill was roadkill on the Information Trail

      And as for Gene, that brainy teen? He left the Web last year
      And lives with no ’lectricity. And as for this balladeer
      They modemed his Muse to Santa Cruz to be tried for cybercrimes
      Including using cyber as a prefix 40 times.

      from #30 - Winter 2008