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      February 4, 2013Edmund JorgensenWouldn’t You Like to Be a Pepper Too?

      Thanks for asking! Fitting
      In is pleasant, and I’m not
      Ashamed to say it, but
      I’m not your typical
      Conformist either. Sometimes
      On a Wednesday night
      I’ll go out to a restaurant—
      Something ethnic, preferably—
      Mexican, maybe Greek—
      And just sit there, sipping water,
      Nibbling free chips or pita,
      Not ordering anything, just
      Watching people watching me.
      I like the feeling that
      America is with me. Is
      Interested in how I spend
      My days and dollars.
      Cares what I wear.
      I don’t even mind
      The full page ads in magazines.
      In fact I cut them out
      And tape them to my mirror,
      Where I can feel them
      Willing me to use
      A different hair gel. I like
      Going to the cinema,
      Tiptoeing out a couple minutes
      Before the movie ends and
      Waiting in the lobby for the crowd
      To exit, the human flood to surge
      And ebb and surge around
      Me till I close my eyes and feel
      For one perfect moment as
      Lost and found as
      The snowman buried
      In an avalanche.

      from #37 - Summer 2012