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      April 3, 2011You Can’t Know Because You Haven’t Been SickMario Milosevic

      how the pain becomes your steady
      and people lose patience with you

      for not getting the surgery
      they would choose in your place

      in place of your alternative remedies
      they belittle with glazed eyes

      and tight mouths saying how ridiculous
      you are and your dizziness they say

      you know that can be cured too
      because I know a doctor a real doctor

      who’s helped my aunt who had
      just exactly what you have

      and she always used to say the world
      is unsteady you know and no one knows

      how it is until they’ve lived it
      until the steady pain moves in

      and uses up all the spare rooms
      and pays its rent in little jabs

      never missing an installment
      never late never easy never gone

      from #17 - Summer 2002