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      January 4, 2017Charles TisdaleAir Borne

      Air is the one element that takes a low
      Profile. You are not thinking of debris
      After a tornado, or even the slight
      Ruffle of a feather beneath the nose
      Of your mother to tell you she is still
      Alive, though barely. To stir means to kill,
      Rushing in fury; to snuff a candle,
      Blessing. Faith is a vacuum, being instilled
      With a certain evidence of things
      Not seen. Try not to breathe for any longer
      Than a minute. Feel the burning, the will.
      Before birth, your cheeks did not depend
      On this. From the rhythm of someone else’s
      Breathing you came to count on inhalation
      As a muted gasp, while to let go tended
      To be a sigh. Your tie to this was not
      A noose, but a lifeline. A later ocean 
      Reproduced this, the intake and the fall.
      In a fluid existence the notion
      Has occurred to you that this hearing
      Is through a glass darkly. One day you will know
      As you are known, and call it lung’s devotion.
      What you are wondering is why angels might
      Have needed wings. For at times your life
      Has endured such straits you have pleaded
      To be airlifted. You saw a bright light,
      In cloven tongues, and then your body rose
      An inch and a half from the floor. The blood
      In your vessels kept beating to the same
      Double time of pulse and temple, a flood 
      Of well-being in dire circumstances. 
      The Bible never defined what grace was,
      But for once you think you understood.
      It is not always so clear. You wish you
      Could get your oxygen from a cylinder.
      Applying the brakes exerts pressure somewhere
      Sight cannot see. At times you almost rue
      The invisible was ever dreamed up.
      You spend a lot of time doing aerobic
      Exercises. You cultivate an air. 
      Believing in such a claustrophobic
      Creed is so stifling you need to ventilate
      Like a whale. You wish you could live in two
      Elements, and not feel guilty, or deiphobic.
      To look to heaven is like taking in breath,
      An involuntary muscle. On a moonless
      Night, space is more infinite than the stars.
      The jet stream is nothing you are aware
      Of, but without it there would be no
      Prevailing winds. They say you cannot
      Commit suicide by refusing. Try
      And you end up red in the face with dots
      In your eyes. Or, passing out and only
      Proving that air is a kind of unseen 
      Persistence, like a god, both here and not.

      from #53 - Fall 2016

      Charles Tisdale

      “I have taught literature and language to various age groups and am currently a part-time instructor of Latin and Photography at a middle school in Rockingham County, North Carolina. I write poetry because I believe the ultimate truth is indiscernible, absolute justice in unattainable, but pure beauty is right before my eyes. I do not think I could live without writing poems.”