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      August 8, 2018Michael EstabrookGrand Illusion

      After 50 years of responsible adulthood
      careers and family, education and financial planning
      I am pumping iron again
      pressing pulling pushing
      through bench presses curls pull-downs
      shrugs squats deadlifts
      sets and reps, warm-ups and cool-downs
      calluses strained hamstrings cold packs heating pads
      lifting belts wrist straps muscle magazines
      my wife scratching her head biting her tongue …
      and all for what? Seriously what?
      To realize my illusion that somehow
      I can stop time reverse it
      even returning to being 17 once more
      so I can experience again the mysterious flush
      of first love, the power of athletic prowess
      the grandeur of intellectual discovery
      the vigorous confidence of self-realization
      and mastery over all things earthly and beyond.

      from #60 - Summer 2018

      Michael Estabrook

      “I’ve pursued athletics my whole life from being on the swim team in college and taking kung fu at age 60. Never a professional athlete, but in one form or another, sports have always been an integral part of who I am: swimming, gymnastics, weightlifting, baseball, karate, Kung fu, tai chi, even yoga! Setting physical goals, and working hard to attain them, is critical to me feeling good about myself. In particular, feeling stronger produces greater energy and confidence, not only in athletics but in life in general, including writing poetry.”