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      January 10, 2025HallelujahLenny DellaRocca

      Jesus healed somebody in her church, she said.
      The woman had been
      wheel-chaired since forever
      and a group of friends
      surrounded her
      and prayed real hard.
      They raised their hands
      the way I’ve seen
      on TV, waving them
      east to west like
      they were trying
      to get a better signal.
      Their eyes closed,
      looking like any minute
      Jesus himself
      would come down
      on a bolt of lightning.
      The lady in the wheelchair smiled, raised her hands, too.
      After they hollered
      and yelled Praise God
      several times, the cripple
      stood up. Her friends
      whooped and shouted
      and danced. She’s healed,
      one of them shouted.
      But when the lady
      sat back down in her
      chair her friends acted
      like it was no big deal
      that she still could
      not walk. I asked my
      devout friend about that.
      She said it was the will
      of Jesus, and nobody knows
      his plan. I said
      it sounds like a lot of crap, and she unfriended me.

      from #86 – Poetry Prize

      Lenny DellaRocca

      “This poem is an Epoem, a form I’ve invented. If you’re interested to know what an Epoem is go to and click the Witchery link. Witchery is a poetry journal embedded there. ‘Hallelujah’ came about after talking with a coworker who told me Jesus healed someone at her church. The poem is also informed by when I was an usher at a theater that brought in an evangelist a few times a year. The pastor ‘healed’ many folks there, but none of those in wheelchairs sitting right in front of the stage. He was a fraud.”