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      June 3, 2013Howie Night at the DrottkvaettBurt Beckmann

      Next to the surf-road
      six sat late,
      thinking we’d found out
      a fine hideaway.
      The ladies were laughing,
      lapping up beer,
      we warriors were not
      woman weary.
      Pleasant that party
      until the lager
      made the girls piss.
      Staggering, giggling
      down the dunes
      they descended,
      hardly aware
      of Howie.
      There as they squatted
      his squad car
      came sneaking: in floodlights
      the females were framed.
      Still spraying, they skimmed
      across the strand,
      wetting their wear
      in the brew-tide.
      Meanwhile, hearing the hassle
      we hastened
      to see how things stood,
      our odds in the fist-storm.
      Ready to reckon with rednecks,
      for a brawl
      we abandoned the brandy.
      I remember our ranks,
      brutal in gang-play:
      no bolder berserks
      than Ratzo and goat-bearded Jim.
      Carrying clubs to the conflict,
      dangerous with driftwood,
      they meant to split skulls
      in the old style.
      Already the ravens
      were rending the cowards to bits,
      in our minds we saw
      wolves making short work
      of wounded foes, crabs clipping
      at corpse flesh,
      when around us arose
      those sons of trolls.
      Capture brings credit to none.
      Who cares for his name
      should look after his heels,
      the swift foot of his beer friend
      full readily praise:
      Had his luck not run out
      brave Ratzo would still
      be outrunning the hounds.
      But the first to fall
      was fierce James,
      lord of hard liquors,
      lightning-quick drinker.
      Corralled by the cops
      in a crapper,
      the hero was handcuffed
      heaving his muffins.
      Escape was not easy
      on that escapade.
      In the confusion
      I fled for the fen.
      Immersed in slime,
      muck up to my ears,
      I thought I would drown
      in frog spawn and gnats.
      Over the rushes
      the searchlight played.
      The voice on the bullhorn
      inveigled in vain.
      Thanks to that dousing
      I pulled one on Howie;
      alone I defended
      the honor of thanes.

      from #38 - Winter 2012

      Burt Beckmann

      “At an early age I came to imagine that I was inhabited by a cat, and as I grew older I discovered that the cat would purr verse.”