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      October 8, 2018Prenuptial AgreementStephen Taylor

      Imagine you can’t stand another
      minute of me. I don’t mean
      the way a theater usher no longer
      salivates at the smell of popcorn
      or an editor can’t quite tell
      a good poem from a bad one
      any more or work up the guilt
      to give a damn—I’m not talking
      about what’s inevitable, though
      not what’s memorable either,
      nothing intense or terrifying
      like, say, the feeling when flames
      begin to blister and char your feet,
      igniting, so to speak, your first doubts
      about being a heretic after you’ve
      spent such energy convincing yourself
      that God would insulate you. No,
      nothing so distinctly painful
      that it’s easy to cry out for it
      to stop or that understandably
      leads to homicide on its own, but
      more like a hangnail you can’t bite
      close enough when you haven’t got
      a clipper, how it catches and tears
      a little more whenever you forget
      and reach into your pocket until
      you have to think too much about
      your movements. Feel that? Good,
      now add a hemorrhoid and an itch
      between the shoulder blades
      and simultaneously do your
      best to think of love, and if
      you can, we’ve got a deal.

      from #60 - Summer 2018

      Stephen Taylor

      “Two friends of mine who are very much in love were about to get married, but because they had each acquired some wealth, they were drawing up a prenup to head off any possible conflict later. I have not acquired much wealth, but it got me to thinking about what sort of agreement might be even more practical in a long-term relationship.”