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      September 10, 2018Guinotte WiseThe Why of Bull Riding

      They asked a cowboy why he rode, 
      said he was too nervous to steal and
      too lazy to work. There is no answer,
      maybe a test of one’s inner gumption
      though there are better ways to figure
      that. It’s sure as hell not money, as in
      why are you a poet? The same man
      said, when asked, how much he made
      that year. Twenty-two thousand was
      the reply. How much were your 
      expenses? Twenty-three thousand.
      Not many answers in the game,
      sometimes just a look away, a 
      clearing of the throat, a grimace of
      discomfort, a sidle toward the rodeo
      office to sign up, draw his bull. He
      hopes it is a good one, and hopes
      he makes it to the buzzer in one
      piece, decent score, hopes the old
      Dodge starts, gets him to the next 
      one, the big one at Cheyenne, see
      what luck will bring. His ribs are
      taped but beer and pain pills mess
      up his edge, adrenaline is what he
      needs, that’s his eight second cure.

      from #60 - Summer 2018

      Guinotte Wise

      “Rodeoing made me feel alive, alive-oh, as the Irish ballad goes. Then writing fiction and poetry became my arena. Same feeling. The more you put into it, the better you get, like anything else. Rejections are just flies on the windshield on the way to an acceptance, a ride to the buzzer.”