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      November 14, 2016Sharon Fish MooneyWheat Fields with Reaper

      after Wheat Fields with Reaper, Auvers,
      Vincent van Gogh, oil on canvas, 1890
      Toledo Museum of Art

      He wears no shrouded hood, no coat of black.
      No skeleton or apparition, he,
      no grim or aged specter. Here we see
      a reaper scything winter wheat that’s stacked
      in sheaves of golden grain. There is no lack
      of sunshine and the canvas is a sea,
      an impastoed panoply, a poetry
      of paint demanding viewers to stand back
      and view blue mountains under an Auvers sky
      with summer clouds, and ponder larger themes—
      when we are ripe, the reaping of our lives,
      the knowledge that someday, like wheat, we’ll die,
      will turn to dust, yet hope to be redeemed
      to an eternal place where souls survive.

      “The history of those plants is like our own … being reaped when we are ripe.”
      —Vincent van Gogh, 1889

      from #53 - Fall 2016

      Sharon Fish Mooney

      “I have been teaching online as an adjunct and affiliate faculty for fifteen years. I currently teach nursing research and other courses for Regis University, Denver, Colorado, and Indiana Wesleyan. My interests in poetry, art, and music affect my teaching. I often share with students about conferences I am attending or speaking at and discuss with them ways to integrate the arts and nursing—for example, using metrical poetry in caring for people with dementia. Students often send me their own poems for review and critique.”